What Are Nofollow and Dofollow Links

If you’ve done any link building in your career, internal or external, you’re probably familiar with nofollow and dofollow links. If not, let’s start with some history and why it’s important to know the difference. Google’s PageRank Algorithm One of Google’s original core algorithms was their PageRank algorithm. The simplified explanation of how it worked …

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Five Tools to Help You Define Your Target Market

There are many tools that marketers can use to define their target market and I’m going to focus on a few of my favorites; Google Analytics Data USA U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Google’s “Find My Audience” Claritas PRIZM. I’m also going to discuss how you could use your findings to develop your marketing strategy. …

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Best Practices for Syndicating Your Content

I have a client who was contacted by Written.com, a content syndication company, about syndicating one of their blog posts for a three month period on one of Written.com’s customer’s websites. My client wanted my opinion of content syndication so I gave them some advice based on my own knowledge of the topic. I haven’t …

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The Head of The Google’s Webspam Team Has Announced The Death of The Guest Post

Matt Cutts is fed up with spammy guest post requests and said so on his blog today with the claim that “guest blogging is done.” That’s quite the announcement! Matt goes on to say “Given how spammy it’s become, I’d expect Google’s webspam team to take a pretty dim view of guest blogging going forward.” …

The Head of The Google’s Webspam Team Has Announced The Death of The Guest Post Read More »

Book Review – APE: How to Publish a Book From Guy Kawasaki and Shawn Welch

When I heard that Guy Kawasaki and Shawn Welch had just published “APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur – How to Publish a Book,” I requested a review copy. The book explains how to turn an idea into an outline, how to turn that outline into a book and how to self publish your own book. I …

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What Google Thinks About Fresh Content

If you’ve read the Google search quality guidelines that were leaked earlier this year, you might have read a section about content freshness. Sometimes informational search queries might be about recent or past events and Google trains their quality raters to figure out which queries those are. The guidelines also mention that the content of …

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