
With over 18 years of industry experience, I offer specialized expertise in technical SEO, content marketing, project management, leadership, and digital marketing consulting to empower your business’s growth and success. My extensive background working with businesses in various industries like ecommerce, travel, legal, health & medical, outdoor recreation, vaping, and more, has equipped me with expertise in market dynamics and consumer behaviors. Find a package below to get started, or contact me to discuss a customized approach.

How can I help you?​

See my starting rates below or contact me for a quote for a custom project. Audits are negotiable depending on the size of the site and/or custom needs.​

Content Brief & Outline

Starting at $150

Keyword Research
Word Count Recommendations
Title Recommendation
Meta Description Recommendation
H1 Recommendation
People Also Ask Analysis
Featured Snippet Analysis
Content Outline

Page Optimizations

Starting at $250

Up to 1,600 words
Main Keyword Inclusion
Related Keywords Inclusion
New Copy Suggestions
H1 Optimization
Title Tag Optimization
Meta Description Optimization
Addition of People Also Ask Questions

Content Development

Starting at $625

1,200-word article
Content topic ideation
Content brief & outline
Writer management
Content review & optimization
Content Publishing

Technical SEO Audit

Starting at $1,200

Site crawl – 5,000 pages
Crawl analysis
Quick takeaways
Error reports
Customized recommendations
1 hour post audit consulting

Content Audit

Starting at $1,500

Site crawl – 5,000 pages
Content analysis (site and blog)
Google Analytics analysis
Google Search Console analysis
Top Priority page recommendations
Site-wide Page recommendations
Consolidation suggestions
1-hour post audit consulting

Consulting​ or Ongoing Retainer

$200 per hour​​

Private messages or calls
Send questions any time
No contract
Strategy development
Algorithm update analysis
Page analysis
Competitor analysis
Site Migrations

Our Customers​

“Appreciate your partnership”​

Wanted to reach out and thank you again for putting this together. The meeting went well. As always, appreciate your partnership.​


eCommerce Marketing Manager

Would you like to start a project?​

Whether you’re looking for a full service retainer or you just a little help getting some projects done, I can help you. Reach out and let me know what you need.